Getting It Right

The sign read, “Free Coffee and Donuts”. As two young servicemen, we had traveled from our base in North Carolina to spend a weekend touring Washington D.C. After grabbing coffee and a couple donuts, we sat innocently at a table. An older gentleman came and sat down with us.

After making small talk, he awkwardly remarked, “I was just looking at my watch and watching time pass by. Have you ever wondered where you will spend eternity?” We quickly got up and left, leaving our donuts and coffee behind. I didn’t know what I believed anymore; but, I knew I didn’t want to explore it with him.

Jesus sends off the disciples two-by-two as missionaries (Mark 6: 7-13). Five years after my D.C experience, two missionaries he sent my way had a more favorable impact on my life.

I was married, living in Minnesota and working with Jeff and Terry, who were my age. They would frequently take me out to lunch and argue the merits of Christianity. I would argue back. None of their arguments really convinced me. Jeff had been specially trained to make every effective and rational argument for Christianity. My arguments were designed to keep him at bay.

What eventually did convince me were the lives they were living and the way they interacted with others and me. They shared their own stories, challenges, and struggles. These spoke to my heart, though I wasn’t about to tell them at the time. They weren’t perfect people, but were genuine and seemed to care. Even though they had strong opinions that challenged my own thinking, my rejection never seemed to affect our friendship.

The workplace, neighborhood, family, relatives are our mission field where we are called to bring God’s presence in the power of the Holy Spirit. For me it’s not about finding fault, judging or arguing. It is about letting the life of Christ be visible in my life.

In a culture that treats God as if he doesn’t exist, others need to see how the Gospel is lived; then, we can give it voice, our voice, telling our own heartfelt stories of life in Christ. As Jeff and Terry were telling me their stories, the Holy Spirit was cutting through to my heart. Who they were and how they related with me caused me to reach out to the Lord and open my heart to him. After three months I was ready to choose to live my life for Christ. The rest is “His-story”.

Editor’s observations:

A version of this appeared recently in my parish bulletin. There’s a lot more I could say, but there was a couple of personal insights I gained in recalling these encounters.

Prior to the conversations with Jeff and Terry at work, I had been sitting alone in our apartment watching our young son. I began to wonder what the purpose of bringing children into the world was, especially with all the challenges our world was facing at the time. It led me to wonder about the meaning of life. I began looking in very non-traditional places since I felt the Christianity old-fashioned and no longer relevant. The one thing that I was convinced about though was there was such a thing as truth. It was concrete and not “customizable”.

It began the process the ultimately led me back to the faith of my youth. Jeff and Terry were a critical component but far from the only one. In writing this reflection, two key aspects were underscored for me in my own missionary efforts.

One was a first-hand perspective that Jeff and Terry had no idea what else God was doing in my life and how I was really reacting. They did not know the impact of their behavior, their confidence, or the fact they didn’t seem to judge me or find fault with me.   Their continued friendship was affecting me. It was appealing to my heart and things I valued.

The other reminder was to always be sensitive to what the Spirit is doing in that moment. I do not need to be the total solution. I just should be faithful to what the Lord is doing and wants me to do in that moment. I need to keep my ear and heart tuned to him. He is always pulling on the other person’s heart and I just need to be open to whatever “push” he’s asking me to give.

About Stevan D. Becker

Retired. Former advertising, brand and marketing guy. Living life as a Catholic ecumenically in People of Praise & Christians in Commerce. Seeking a life of faith, integrity and excellence. All postings are designed to illuminate the Gospel with stories and insights that are practical and relevant. They are personally beneficial for me in thinking through and understanding my call as a Christian. I hope they benefit you as well. Let's join together on this wonderful journey through good times and bad.
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2 Responses to Getting It Right

  1. tom caneff says:

    Very nice. Thanks!


  2. Pingback: A Personal Pentecost | Northern Light

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